Thursday, July 24, 2008

Teh Kaw

This is my mom's signature beverage. Normally people use tea powder to produce such thick powerful tea like this, but Kak Siwah just used sachet tea, to make her signature Teh Kaw.

Ingridients :
( for a small size tea pot - family of 5)

5 sachets Boh tea
Sweetened Creamer (3 table spoon ++)
Hot Water 


1. Put 5 bags Boh tea into the tea pot
2. Pour in hot water , filling only half of the tea pot (less water will make your tea thicker)
3. Leave it for 3-4 mins
4.When the tea color turns dark , slowly stir in the sweetened creamer until your tea becomes as red as the above photo  
5.  And your tea is ready to be serve.

~~~~~~~~~~ the daughter ~~~~~~~~~~~~~

5 uncang teh itu adalah untuk saiz teko yang kecil, sekiranya membuat dalam saiz teko yang lebih besar, tambahkan bilangan uncang teh.
Selepas direndam, tutup seketika teko untuk 3-4 minit supaya teh cepat kembang dan merah. 3-4 sudu susu pekat dimasukkan sesedap rasa. 

***Tips:: Teh Kaw mesti pekat, kalau cair dah tak jadi lah maknanya!!

~~~~~~~~~makcik Siwah~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Welcome to kak Siwah's kitchen

For years, kak Siwah a.k.a my mom, has never failed to pump me with nutritious and delicious foods. And now she is available online to share all her tricks, and recipes. At 58 years old, Kak Siwah never stopped learning and inventing new recipes. So, stay around for recipes collections of  delicious home cooked meal!!!

~~~~~ the daughter~~~~~~~~~~

Selamat Datang ke Kak Siwah's Kitchen

Selamat datang ke dapur kak Siwah!!!. 

Selamat mencuba resipi - resipi yang akan dikongsi bersama di sini. Semoga bertambah sehat anak- anak dan suami - suami di rumah. Semoga blog ini akan menjadi meriah dengan kehadiran anak - anak sekalian

~~~ makcik siwah~~~~~